
彼得Zaimes speaks during 业务 Analytics Conference 2023 at 主要研究 Paul College.

彼得Zaimes(左二), 主要研究的决策科学讲师, speaks during 业务 Analytics Conference 2023 at Paul College. Zaimes is leading the new 体育 Analytics Lab club and course.



体育 analytics is a growing career field that has captured the attention of students, 澳门葡京网赌游戏也加入了这场比赛. 

主要研究体育分析实验室, 俱乐部成立于2023年春季, is currently offering an independent study and plans to introduce an associated two-credit course in spring 2024. 实验室将与…密切合作 彼得T. 保罗经济与商业学院 Center for 业务 Analytics to provide students with field experience in sports analytics projects while helping 主要研究 athletics and outside sports organizations with tactical game planning and strategic insights using modern data science methods.  

这些新课程是由 彼得Zaimes, 主要研究的决策科学讲师 Paul College, along with a group of students. 

“I always thought a course in sports analytics would be useful for students and there was clearly a gap. But what really got to me was when I was an advisor for the senior capstone project and I read multiple post-project surveys from students and would see comments like ‘Hey, 如果我们有一个体育分析客户端就好了,或者“我们试试体育客户怎么样??’”Zaimes回忆道. “I heard it repeatedly, and once you hear something enough, it’s time to act.”    

体育 analytics clients were subsequently incorporated into the capstone projects. Teams of students engaged in various projects with the 主要研究 hockey teams. 

One project examined college hockey programs that invested in facility renovations and tracked the performance of those teams in the years that followed. The project found an uptick in performance for programs that had made investments in upgrading their facilities, 据Zaimes说. 

An additional project with the hockey team broke down a decade of recruiting classes, 包括球员的平均身高, 体重和球员的来源. Zaimes said the goal of that project was to give coaches a wider view of recruiting efforts, 包括趋势和模式. 

另一组学生与603 Evolution合作, a baseball training facility in Exeter that specializes in player development, to provide in-depth pitching and hitting metrics across multiple age bands. This allowed trainers to have a better understanding of player strengths and weaknesses, and view player performance relative to the age group to see if players may be exceeding performance expectations for that group, 据Zaimes说. 

These projects proved successful and served as proof of concept for the valuable services students could offer to athletic clients, leading to the establishment of the club and the forthcoming course. 

Zaimes is in communication with 主要研究 athletics and has lined up multiple projects. Future projects include tracking heart rate data to measure running performance for the soccer team and projects with the hockey and women’s basketball teams. 

主要研究 has a real opportunity for students and the athletic teams to benefit equally from these analytics projects, 据Zaimes说. 

“A lot of Power Five conferences don’t utilize students because those schools have full-time analytics departments,Zaimes说. “Because we’re a larger state university and have Division I sports, 但没有五大会议的资源, I think we’re in a unique position for students to have more of an opportunity to make a difference.” 

Jake MacInnis ’24 helped launch the club with Zaimes in spring 2023 and is hopeful that the work they are doing now will lay a foundation that will eventually put 主要研究 on the map for its sports analytics program. 

“我看到了这样一个光明的未来. I know a lot of people are interested in sports from an analytical standpoint,” MacInnis says. “I’ve never been more excited about something when it comes to school. It’s a blessing to be able to combine my interest in analytics with sports, something that I have participated in my entire life and love.” 

MacInnis is a Paul Scholar and former 主要研究 football player majoring in business administration: information systems and 业务分析. 他将攻读硕士学位 业务分析 并希望在体育分析方面找到一份职业. 

“I would love to help any team on campus be the best it can be for the future because all the numbers are there, 我们只需要对他们做点什么,他说. “Students are there to learn and would love to work on anything the teams are pursuing. Might as well put them to work and get them some real-life working experience.” 

Zaimes leads a recent meeting of the 主要研究 体育 Analytics Lab club.

Being there for the start of 体育 Analytics Lab has been a surreal experience for MacInnis, especially when he looks around and sees others who share his passion. 

“当我们第一次见面时,就像是‘哇!’”麦金尼斯说. “这是真的,不是我们只是说说而已. We were able to get all these people that believe in something as much as we do, 这非常令人兴奋.” 

The 体育 Analytics Lab course and club will operate concurrently. The course will be capped at 30 students and be project-based, 5到7个团队为一个客户完成指定的任务, 据Zaimes说. The students will have a semester to research and collect data before presenting their findings to the client. 

The club has already hosted guest speakers from the sports analytics departments of the Boston Bruins and Philadelphia Flyers and intends to continue seeking out speakers and planning educational opportunities and activities for students, 包括2024年麻省理工学院斯隆体育分析会议. 

Zaimes said the club will have an executive team of upperclassmen who will help lead the student projects in the course. The club will also work with the 主要研究 体育 Careers Club to help get the word out about the lab. 

目标是拥有足够的客户, 内部和外部, to line up projects for future semesters and build a reputation for high-quality work, 据Zaimes说. 

“We have to satisfy the clients and make them want to come back,Zaimes说. “And I have to do my job and keep it interesting so we can keep getting new cohorts of students that want to take the course.” 

If the course proves successful and interest continues to grow, Zaimes envisions the possibility of 主要研究 offering more courses and establishing sports analytics as a minor, although he acknowledges that such discussions are still several years away. 

Anyone interested in discussing a sports analytics project can contact 彼得Zaimes at 彼得.zaimes@yogangel.com 

米奇比德尔 |保罗学院